Monday, July 19, 2010

Transfer Season

It's that time of year when Foreign Service life is a buzz. Many are transferring posts, intermingled with vacations and home leave. There is so much excitement and angst in reading about all the moves, sights and craziness associated with the trek.

Today Ceiba and I went to the Immunization Clinic at FSI (Foreign Service Institute). We received round one of 4 rounds of vaccinations. Never know when a rabid monkey might chomp on your finger, but sure would rather get 3 shots now, than 30 in my stomach later (used to be right?). Four for me and one for her today, and we have another 3 appointments before we leave. My...shoulders...hurt :(

I also called the travel agency today to plan our flights. Fun for me, as I love that kind of thing, weird as it is. Due to the 18ish hour flying time, we are entitled a stopover of 24 hrs. So we'll have our first Middle East/ Near East stamp on the ole passports, in addition to Bangladesh. Unfortunately, looks like the 170k+ frequent flyer miles will not help us out to upgrade to business class, ug. I know, we are spoiled, but once you fly posh it's hard to go back. And now we have a toddler to add to the mix... and 6 carry-ons, 5 checked GIANT suitcases and likely a cooler of CHEESE and saugage (we are hoosiers!).

We're just over 2 months until wheels up and pecking lines on the notepad one by one!


  1. YOU HAVE TICKETS!!!! YEAH!!!!! Is your stop-over anywhere close to me?

  2. Yeah, where do you fly through? Doha?

  3. The plan is Doha, but some jazz about the fiscal year where United hasn't entered fares yet, so we'll have to keep checking back, blah blah blah. Ug. Nothing like spending an hour + on the phone twice, only to be told after the fact. So for now they are holding via Dubai, but will likely change to Doha. We're still a while out, so not stressin' yet :)

  4. Congratulations. You're a now a human petri dish! Welcome to the Service.
