Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mama better get on the treadmill..... we're moving to MIAMI!

Chris excitedly called yesterday to confirm our first post- MIAMI!
It'll be a few months before we move down, May-ish to be more precise. Chris still has GA and VA training to complete.

Family and friends are happy about our news and their future vacation locale, especially Jake (nephew, 16 yrs) and Samantha (niece, 18 yrs). I could decipher the excitement when Jake's text back to me said- "that's tyte!". Happy to oblige kiddos! They were only 5 and 7 when they got to visit us at the beach when we lived in Clearwater, while Chris was in the Coast Guard.

We're looking forward to heading back to palm trees and sand.... and working on our Spanish!

1 comment:

  1. The Dunham's are looking forward to visiting when you get there and settled!!!!
