Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moving day Eve

The packers come tomorrow. Yippee. We're about as ready as we can be.
Hopefully the weather will cooperate, because a present it's cold & rainy.

Found out we'll be at Oakwood, but the new Pearson location, which looks really nice.
We are SO excited to be all in one home come Friday :)

Toodles... post-it notes and lists are still calling my name.


  1. Oh, that's so exciting!

    And I'm thrilled for you guys to be at Oakwood - and a new location?! Awesome!

    Seriously, I'll be after you to tell me what you think about the different location, okay? We've only been to the Oakwood Mothership and we are VERY interested in hearing about the other locations.

    Hope moving day is as good a day for you as a moving day can possibly be! We'll be thinking of you...

  2. Definitely thinking of you!! Will have to check out this new Pearson location...

  3. Keeping fingers crossed here in Kenya that the sun shines for you there! Happy moving day!

  4. Good Luck we will be thinking about you guys! : )
    The Wildhabers

  5. Hope everything goes well!!! (or went well:) Also, we are at Oakwood which is great-but awesome for you guys that you get in at Pearson!! I know a few people over there, and it IS REALLY NICE!! Enjoy the granite counter tops for me:) Excited to meet you sometime! And congrats on being together again:)
