Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

Three days after my sister's family came to visit, Chris's parents came out for a long weekend. Instead of staying in the DC area, we decided on a little R&R, so went south to Williamsburg. We stayed at Great Wolf Resort (thanks to a nice discount from our great sister-in-law who works at corporate in WI) in Williamsburg and also drove to Jamestown settlement. It was nice to relax by the pool for a few days with no agenda. And it seems I relaxed so much that I barely took any photos, sorry.

(above) pics at dinner and in the arcade at Great Wolf
(below) playing at the indoor pool at Great Wolf and exploring the ships at Jamestown
(above) Jamestown settlement, storytime at Great Wolf (did NOT like the wolf), Jamestown museum

Just when we thought we were getting old, Chris and I decided to give the huge indoor water slides a whirl. SO FUN! I loved them, especially one that went into a huge tunnel where we swished back and forth after a steep drop.... Chris... not so much, but sacrificed himself multiple times for my enjoyment. He was always happy until the dropoff, which was followed by curse words or "don't like this". We must have gone on it half a dozen times, even pursuading his mom on one trip. Am sure you can hear me cackling all the way down the slide as I watched both of them squinch their faces all the way down to the pool. Great entertainment!

Ceiba really loved sharing a room with everyone and having G&G stay at our apartment for a few days. It was nice to play and relax! We know how hard it was for them to say good-bye at the airport, not really knowing when we'll all be together again. But we promise to keep up the blog, Skype and keep everyone updated on how we are doing across the oceans.

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