Friday, January 6, 2012

Animals Available

Last week, my friend Corinna and I went to New Market (post to follow). Just before arriving at New Market, we passed Elephant Road and all of its pet shops. The area begins with beautiful flowers for sale and quickly turns into rows and rows of fish, birds, cats and supplies. Of course, we stopped for a look see. Corinna is a bird conniseur, while I fancy myself a die hard fish fanatic. So for both, it was bliss.
Hard to believe neither of us walked away with an addition to each family. I do plan to set up our 26 gallon tank, which we brought in our HHE shipment. The above rams (bottom left photo) will be one of the first inhabitants to said tank once it's up and running. It's hardly a completed home for us without a fish tank humming inside.

We both enjoyed how our driver edged up another car length or two as we meandered down the street.
Not sure if he was just extra attentive that day or ready for a fast getaway, as Corinna and I drew more attention than most of the pets. It's not every day the locals see two fanatical caucasian pet ladies, especially one toting a small baby in a pouch. As usual, we are a spectacle where ever we go.

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