Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mdina Cathedral Museum

A few weeks ago, Chris had a TDYer (temporary duty) in at the embassy. She had a couple hours of down time before her flight out, so I offered to play chaffeur and tour guide for the morning. We started at our favorite beach (Fomm ir-Rih) for a quick drive by, followed by focusing on the silent city of Mdina. A few minutes after arriving, the sky decided to open up and pour rain. Since we didn't have an umbrella, we decided to take a detour and spend some time in the Cathedral Museum until the rain subsided... which it hardly did... so we popped into Fontanella's for a coffee and pastizzi, needing to show her the best local food specialty, and a piece of famous Fontanella's chocolate cake.
Once the rains let up, we continued to tour Mdina. I dropped her in old Valletta to finish up her day on a self guided tour and take the water ferry back to her hotel. 

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