Early warning, lots of people pics and updates for family. You've already seen our
DC pics, so here are just a bunch of family pics from when my sister, brother-in-law, niece & nephew came into town over Labor Day. We only had Friday night, Saturday, Sunday and part of Monday, but wow did we see a lot of DC. And it was nice to have a chance to get a bunch of photos, though only one of all of us together.
We visited all the war memorials, White House, Lincoln Monument, Washington Monument, Arlington National Cemetary, Natural History Museum, National Botanical Garden, Capitol building, Great Falls National Park and much more. Hours were spent in the pool, on the Metro and eating (ribs, hot dog carts and of course
Clare and
Don's Beach
Shack). We also took a hop-on-hop-off double decker opentop bus from Union Station, which allowed us to see a lot without walking to everything. It included a night tour, which we loved!
(above) all at the White House and Washington Monument (below)
(above) Capitol Bldg & Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, (below)Capitol Bldg & Smithsonian Castle
(above) Capitol, our babysitters!, carousel ride with Aunt Carrie-(below) hanging around, all of us at Capitol
(above) Union Station, kids on the bus top, Carrie and me at the Botanical Garden, our night pics (below)

(above) Great Falls Natl Park, (below) Crab Shack for lunch
(above) chillin in the pool at our house, (below) Georgetown and the Natl. Cathedral
Wish we could've spent more time together! There's nothing like sitting around in your pjs, watching movies and having snacks with the ones you love. We miss them everyday and wish I could squeeze them in our suitcases when we pack up. The hardest part of this lifestyle so far is being away from loved ones.